In 1837, Samuel Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland described Tallanstown like this:
TALLANSTOWN, a parish, in the barony of ARDEE, county of LOUTH, and province of LEINSTER, 7 miles (W. S. W.) from Dundalk, on the road from Drogheda to Monaghan, and on the river Glyde; containing 1074 inhabitants, of which number, 60 are in the village. The parish, according to the Ordnance survey, comprises 3210 ¼ statute acres: the soil is in general good, and agriculture has greatly advanced, the resident gentry and farmers having exerted themselves to introduce the improved system both in the cultivation of land and in the rearing of cattle. ...
The principal seats are Lisreigny, that of W. Filgate, Esq., a handsome residence in an extensive and well-planted demesne, and the grounds and hedge-rows are exceedingly well kept; Arthurstown, of T. W. Filgate, Esq., also a handsome residence; and Louth Hall, of Lord Louth, a spacious castellated mansion, in a demesne of about 250 acres, which are well planted; on this estate are 700 acres of the best land in Ireland, under tillage. It is a vicarage, in the diocese of Armagh, forming part of the union of Charlestown or Philipstown; the rectory is impropriate in the Hon. J. Leslie Foster, third Baron of the Exchequer. The tithes amount to £260. 3. 8., of which £215. 13. 8. is payable to the impropriator, and £44. 10. to the vicar. In the R. C. divisions the parish is the head of a union or district, comprising the parishes of Tallanstown, Charlestown, Philipstown, Clonkeen, and Clonkeehan, in which union are two chapels, one in Tallanstown, the other at Reastown in Philipstown. A school for female children was built by T. W. Filgate, Esq., in his demesne at Arthurstown, and is supported by Mrs. and Miss Filgate; there is also a school at Lisreigny: in these schools about 80 children are taught.
GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Tallanstown, in and County Louth | Map and description, A Vision of Ireland through Time.
Date accessed: 12th February 2025
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