Descriptive gazetteer entries

In 1607, William Camden's Brittania described Ireland like this:

IN the Vergivian sea, which name is derived not a vergendo , that is, of bending towards , as some are of opinion, but of Mor-weridth , for this name the Britans give it, or else of Farigi , by which name the Irish men call it, the most famous Iland Hibernia, that is to say, Ireland, encloseth the West side of Britaine; an Iland which in times past challenged the third place amongst all the Isle of the then known world. For thus, as touching Ilands, writeth the ancient Geographer: ... Of all Ilands, for greatnesse, the I...

ndianTaprobane is prime and principall; next after it Britaine; and in a third degree, another British Iland, named Hibernia , that is, Ireland; and thereupon Ptolemee called it Little Britaine. This Isle by Orphaeus, Aristotle, and Claudian is named Ierna; by Juvenall and Mela Iuverna; by Diodorus Siculus Iris; ... by Eustathius Overnia and Bernia, by the native inhabitants Erin , by the Britans Yverdon , and of Englishmen Ireland.

This is the only descriptive gazetter entry we have found, but you may be able to find further references to Ireland by doing a full-text search here.

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