
Denbighshire  Wales

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In 1887, John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles described Denbighshire like this:

Denbighshire, maritime co. of N. Wales; bounded N. by the Irish Sea, E. by Flintshire, Cheshire, and Shropshire, S. by Montgomeryshire and Merioneth; and W. by Carnarvonshire; length, NW. and SE., 42 miles; breadth, NE. and SW., from 7 to 27 miles; coast-line, about 9 miles; area, 425,038 ac.; pop. ...

111,740. There is some level ground along the N.; the E. is hilly; and the mountains on the S. and W. rise from 1000 to 2500 ft. high. The principal streams are the Clwyd, Conway, and Dee; their vales are beautiful and fertile. Oats, barley, and rye are grown in the uplands, and wheat in the low grounds of the valleys. (For agricultural statistics, see Appendix.) Ponies, and small but hardy sheep, are reared on the hills. The mfr. of woollen goods is carried on to some extent, but the chief industry, besides agriculture, is the mining of coal, iron, lead, and slate. The co. comprises (6 hundreds, 90 pars, with parts of 6 others, the Denbigh Boroughs (Denbigh, Holt, Ruthin, and Wrexham -- 1 member), and the mun. bors. of Denbigh, Ruthin, and Wrexham. It is entirely in the diocese of St Asaph. For parl. purposes it is divided into 2 divisions, Eastern and Western, 1 member for each division.

Denbighshire through time

Click here for graphs and data of how Denbighshire has changed over two centuries. For statistics for historical units named after Denbighshire go to Units and Statistics.

Denbighshire -- but you should check this covers the area you are interested in.

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Denbighshire | Map and description for the county, A Vision of Britain through Time.


Date accessed: 12th February 2025

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