Data on religion redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts

Table ID:
REL_REDISTRICTED     (1252798)
Data on religion redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1851.
Dates and times are identified by:


  1. This table is currently limited to data from the 1851 Census of Religion.
  2. The table currently covers England and Wales for 1851.


  1. The data on different denominations have been simplified by using groupings defined in rel_1851_codebook.


  1. Derived data: the scripts used to generate these data have been checked carefully.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
rel_redistricted_pkey Primary key year, g_unit


The table has the following associated constraints:

rel_redistricted_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

g_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for local government district unit.
area_code Text string (max.len.=18). Alphanumeric ID for district as used by the census offices.
area_name Text string (max.len.=40). Name of the district or region.
area_type Text string (max.len.=16). Type of area:
  • DISTRICT = District or Unitary Authority
  • GOR = Government Office Region (this includes Wales and Scotland)
  • E&W = Total for England and Wales
nation Text string (max.len.=7). Code identifying whether data are for England and Wales (EW) or Scotland (S).
year Integer number. Year in which census was taken.
total Floating point number. Total number of attendances in all churches in the areas.
bap Floating point number. Total number of attendances by Baptists.
cmeth Floating point number. Total number of attendances by Calvinistic Methodists.
c_of_e Floating point number. Total number of attendances by members of the Church of England and, in Scotland, the Episcopal Church.
c_of_s Floating point number. Total number of attendances by members of the Church of Scotland and, in England and Wales, the Presbyterian Established Church.
free Floating point number. Total number of attendances by Free Presbyterians.
jews Floating point number. Total number of attendances by Jews.
rc Floating point number. Total number of attendances by Roman Catholics.
wmeth Floating point number. Total number of attendances by members of the Wesleyan Methodist Association or the Wesleyan Methodist Original Connexion.
other Floating point number. Total number of attendances in all other churches.
g_authority Text string (max.len.=24). Authority identifier, as defined in auo.g_authority. Default = 'CEN', but set to 'SRC' when a specific census table is identified in g_auth_note.
g_auth_note Text string (max.len.=44). Detail of source. Used to identify specific census tables when g_authority = 'SRC'.
g_data_status Text string (max.len.=6). Flag indicating access status. Current set to P for Public for all rows.
g_data_precision Text string (max.len.=8). Flag indicating basis for calculation. Currently GBR for all rows except for England and Wales total, which were directly computed by summing district-level data.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number created as rows were inserted into the table.