Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for HASLEMERE

HASLEMERE, a decayed town and a parish in Hambledon district, Surrey. The town stands on the Guildford and New Portsmouth railway, amid pleasant environs of hill and vale, 9 miles SSW of Godalming; is said to have succeeded an older and largcr town, situated on the side of an adjacent hill, and destroyed by the Danes; was a borough by prescription, and chartered by Queen Elizabeth; sent two members to parliament, till disfranchised by the act of 1832; was the scene of many expensive and violeiit election coiitests, till its interests became united in the Ear.l of Lonsdale; has now a post office‡ under Liphook, a railway station, two inns, a handsome church, an Independent chapel, a literary and scientific institution, and a national school; and is a good centre for tourists to explore the romantic region in the triangle between it, Midhurst, and Petersfield. A weekly market is held on Tuesday; fairs for cattle are held on 13 May and 26 Sept.; articles of turnery are manufactured; and paper mills are in the neighbourhood. An enormous beech tree, about 18 feet in girth at 5 feet from the ground, is 1 ½ mile to the N; and the remarkable depression in the sand, called the Devil's Punchbowl, and emitting an afflnent of the Wey, is 2¼ iniles to the NNW. -The parish coinprises 1,877 acres. Real property, £2, 990. Pop., 952. Houses, 187. The property is subdivided. The manor belonged to the Mores, and passed to the Lowthers. The living is a p. curacy, annexed to the rectory of Chiddingfold, in the diocese of Winchester.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a decayed town and a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "populated places")
Administrative units: Haslemere CP/Ch       Hambledon RegD/PLU       Surrey AncC
Place: Haslemere

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