1951 Census of England and Wales, Occupation Tables (Laid before Parliament pursuant to Section 4 (1), Census Act, 1920), Table 20 : " Selected Occupations with Status Aggregates for EW, Regions of E, W, Con, AC, CB, MetB, Urban Areas with Population of 50,000 or more".

Show Middlesex AdmC table Uxbridge UD/MB  
Occupation Males
Total Population 27,235 Show data context 28,725 Show data context
Pop aged 15 & over 20,890 Show data context 22,456 Show data context
I-XXVII Occupied 19,119 Show data context 8,661 Show data context
XXVIII Retired & unocc. 1,771 Show data context 13,795 Show data context
Employers 329 Show data context 44 Show data context
Managers 1,035 Show data context 154 Show data context
Operatives 16,742 Show data context 8,150 Show data context
Working on own account 758 Show data context 173 Show data context
Out of Work 255 Show data context 140 Show data context
I. FISHERMEN 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
II. AGRICULTURAL, ETC OCCUPATIONS 536 Show data context 150 Show data context
1. Agricultural and horticultural occupations 513 Show data context 150 Show data context
    Farmers 54 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Market gardeners, etc. and foremen 93 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Other gardeners 164 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other agricultural workers 202 Show data context 134 Show data context
2. Occupations ancillary to agriculture 16 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Agricultural machine owners, drivers 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Foresters and woodmen 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
III. MINING & QUARRYING OCCUPATIONS 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
1. In coal mines 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Subordinate superintending staff 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers below ground: Coal cutting etc machine men 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers below ground: Hewers & getters (by hand) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers below ground: Conveying material to the shaft 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers below ground: Developing workings in rock 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers below ground: Repairing & maintaining roads 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other workers below ground 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Workers above ground in coal mines 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. In other mines, quarries, brine pits 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Underground workers in mines 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Getters in open quarries, pits, etc 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
IV. WORKERS IN CERAMICS, GLASS, CEMENT, ETC. 87 Show data context 10 Show data context
1. Makers of bricks, pottery, etc 22 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Brick, etc, moulders, etc 18 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Potters, pottery makers and casters 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Pottery finishers and decorators 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Kiln and oven men, setters and placers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Makers of glass and glass ware 31 Show data context 5 Show data context
3. Makers of other mining products (not metal) 34 Show data context 1 Show data context
V. COAL GAS, ETC. MAKERS, WORKERS IN CHEMICALS 129 Show data context 1 Show data context
1. Workers in coal, gas and coke 33 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Workers in chemical and allied trades 96 Show data context 1 Show data context
VI. WORKERS IN METAL MANUFACTURE, ENGINEERING 3,298 Show data context 267 Show data context
1. Foremen, overlookers 190 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Fitting, Erecting 30 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Electrical work 44 Show data context 1 Show data context
2. Furnacemen (not annealing or foundry) 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Rolling and tube mill workers, wire drawers 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Rollers and their assistants 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Foundry workers (excluding pattern makers) 24 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Iron or steel moulders and core makers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Non-ferrous moulders and core makers 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other ferrous foundry workers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
5. Smiths, forgemen 27 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Blacksmiths 27 Show data context 0 Show data context
6. Annealers, hardeners, temperers, picklers 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
7. Sheet metal workers, metal spinners, etc. 115 Show data context 2 Show data context
8. Platers, riveters, shipwrights 40 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Platers 23 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Platers' labourers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Riveters, caulkers 9 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Shipwrights 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
9. Metal machinists 335 Show data context 24 Show data context
    Press tool setters 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Turners 104 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Drillers (hand or machine) 26 Show data context 21 Show data context
    Machine setters, setter-operators 198 Show data context 2 Show data context
10. Fitters, machine erectors 1,226 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Precision fitters, tool makers, etc. 466 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Machine erectors, maintenance engineers 427 Show data context 13 Show data context
    Motor and motor cycle mechanics 155 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Fitters, fitter assemblers 84 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Machine erectors', fitters', etc. mates 92 Show data context 1 Show data context
11. Metal finishers 54 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Glazers, polishers, buffers and moppers 32 Show data context 1 Show data context
12. Plumbers, pipe fitters, etc. 218 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plumbers (not chemical plumbers) 130 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plumbers' labourers 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Gas fitters 40 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pipe fitters 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
13. Vehicle makers and repairers (n.e.s) 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
14. Watch, clock, instrument makers (n.e.s.) 146 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Scientific instrument makers, repairers 121 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Watch, etc. makers and repairers 22 Show data context 1 Show data context
15. Workers in precious metals, gem setters 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
16. Electrical apparatus makers, etc. (n.e.s.) 567 Show data context 64 Show data context
    Radio and radar mechanics 51 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Others in electrical communications 91 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Electrical Fitters 132 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Electricians (house, ship, factory) 205 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Linemen and cable jointers 34 Show data context 0 Show data context
17. Inspectors, viewers, testers 131 Show data context 81 Show data context
    Electrical work 42 Show data context 41 Show data context
18. Other skilled workers 189 Show data context 65 Show data context
    Oxy-acetylene or electric welders, etc. 95 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Constructional engineers, erectors 25 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Press workers and stampers, drawers 23 Show data context 32 Show data context
VII. TEXTILE WORKERS 19 Show data context 38 Show data context
    Foremen 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
1. Openers, sorters, blenders, carders, etc. 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Carders, combers, drawers, etc. 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Spinners, doublers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Spinners, piecers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Doublers, twisters, silk throwsters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Winders, warpers, sizers, drawers-in 1 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Winders, reelers 0 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Beamers, warpers 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
4. Weavers 3 Show data context 19 Show data context
    Weavers (not carpets) 1 Show data context 16 Show data context
5. Knitters 0 Show data context 3 Show data context
6. Bleachers, dyers, finishers 6 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Lookers, examiners, burlers, menders 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Dye house workers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
7. Other skilled workers 9 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Grinders, jobbers, tacklers, etc. 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
VIII. LEATHER WORKERS, FUR DRESSERS 59 Show data context 7 Show data context
1. Leather tanners and dressers, fur dressers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Boot and Shoe makers 56 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Makers and repairers (not factory) 50 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Clickers, pattern cutters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Closers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other boot and shoe makers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Makers of leather or substitute goods 3 Show data context 6 Show data context
IX. MAKERS OF TEXTILE GOODS AND ARTICLES OF DRESS 85 Show data context 325 Show data context
1. Garment workers 40 Show data context 267 Show data context
    Foremen, overlookers 2 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Cutters 7 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Tailors 28 Show data context 25 Show data context
    Dressmakers and light clothing makers 0 Show data context 89 Show data context
    Machinists 1 Show data context 118 Show data context
    Pressers 2 Show data context 11 Show data context
2. Hat and cap makers, milliners (makers) 0 Show data context 7 Show data context
3. Upholsterers, etc., bedding makers 40 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Upholsterers, coach trimmers, etc. 37 Show data context 6 Show data context
4. Other makers 5 Show data context 45 Show data context
X. MAKERS OF FOODS, DRINKS AND TOBACCO 125 Show data context 45 Show data context
1. Makers of foods 107 Show data context 36 Show data context
    Foremen, overlookers 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bakers, dough mixers, etc. 48 Show data context 10 Show data context
2. Makers of alcoholic drinks 12 Show data context 6 Show data context
3. Makers of non-alcoholic drinks 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Makers of tabacco, cigars, cigarettes 5 Show data context 3 Show data context
XI. WORKERS WOOD, CANE AND CORK 742 Show data context 25 Show data context
    Foremen, overlookers 38 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Cabinet makers 30 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Carpenters, joiners 426 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Coach and cart builders: body build 54 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coopers, hoop makers and benders 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Packing case makers 16 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Pattern makers (wood or undefined) 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Sawyers, wood cuttting machinists 138 Show data context 8 Show data context
XII. MAKERS OF, WORKERS IN, PAPER; PRINTERS 324 Show data context 195 Show data context
1. Makers of paper, paperboard 8 Show data context 4 Show data context
2. Workers, in paper and paperboard 20 Show data context 33 Show data context
    Pressers, stampers, cutters 12 Show data context 19 Show data context
    Paperboard box makers (n.e.s.) 0 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Machine makers, layers-on 6 Show data context 4 Show data context
3. Printers, bookbinders 296 Show data context 158 Show data context
    Foremen, overlookers 11 Show data context 18 Show data context
    Compositors (hand or machine) 101 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Stereotypers, electrotypers 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Printing reproduction workers 17 Show data context 28 Show data context
    Printing machine room workers 84 Show data context 52 Show data context
    Bookbinders 9 Show data context 28 Show data context
XIII. MAKERS OF PRODUCTS (N.E.S.) 134 Show data context 70 Show data context
1. Workers in rubber 66 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Mixers, spreaders, moulders 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Workers in plastics moulding, manipulating 14 Show data context 3 Show data context
3. Makers of musical instruments 16 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Piano tuners 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Makers of other products 38 Show data context 53 Show data context
    Dental mechanics 18 Show data context 0 Show data context
XIV. WORKERS IN BUILDING AND CONTRACTING 1,045 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen, gangers 97 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Clerks of works 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Builders' labourers 87 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bricklayers 184 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bricklayers' labourers 41 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plasterers 89 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plasterers labourers 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Glaziers 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Slaters and tilers 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Masons, stone cutters 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Masons' labourers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Platelayers 23 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Paviors, street masons and asphalters 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other skilled workers 135 Show data context 0 Show data context
XV. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 514 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Foremen, overlookers 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Aerographers, paint sprayers 34 Show data context 3 Show data context
    French polishers 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
XVI. ADMINISTRATORS, DIRECTORS, MANAGERS (N.E.S.) 813 Show data context 102 Show data context
    Civil Service higher officers 35 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Civil Service executive officers 161 Show data context 50 Show data context
    Local Authority officers 44 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Secretaries of companies, etc. 49 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Heads or managers of office departments 99 Show data context 4 Show data context
1. Managers in industrial undertakings 425 Show data context 21 Show data context
    Mining, ceramics, glass, cement, etc. 18 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Chemical and allied trades 21 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Engineering and allied trades 186 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Textiles and leather goods 18 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Building and contracting 93 Show data context 2 Show data context
XVII. PERSONS EMPLOYED IN TRANSPORT, ETC. 1,541 Show data context 278 Show data context
1. Railway transport workers 153 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Railway officials 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive engine drivers; motormen 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive engine firemen 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive running shed workers 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Guards 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Signalmen 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shunters, pointsmen, level crossing men 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Porters (including lampmen) 56 Show data context 7 Show data context
2. Road transport workers 873 Show data context 46 Show data context
    Passenger transport managers 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Haulage contractors and managers 20 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Inspectors and foremen (not horse) 23 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Horse drivers, foremen, grooms 17 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Drivers of trams and trolleybuses 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drivers of buses and coaches 69 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drivers of other passenger vehicles 91 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Drivers of goods vehicles 529 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Lorry drivers' mates, van guards, etc. 31 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bus and tram conductors 55 Show data context 34 Show data context
    Garage proprietors and managers 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Water transport workers 45 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Ship-owners, brokers, agents; dock, canal officials 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wharfingers and stevedores 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Navigating officers and pilots 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other seagoing workers 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bargemen, boatmen, tugmen 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Dock labourers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Air transport workers 158 Show data context 13 Show data context
5. Other workers in communications, etc. 312 Show data context 210 Show data context
    Postmen, post office sorters 100 Show data context 11 Show data context
    Radio, etc. operators (n.e.s.) 24 Show data context 39 Show data context
    Telephone operators 29 Show data context 146 Show data context
    Messengers 52 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lift attendants 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Porters (n.e.s.) 67 Show data context 0 Show data context
XVIII. COMMERCIAL, FINANCE, ETC. (EXC. CLERICAL) 1,600 Show data context 960 Show data context
1. Commercial occupations 1,410 Show data context 951 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of wholesale businesses 105 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Brokers, agents, factors (n.e.s.) 18 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Buyers (not manufacturers') 37 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Sales managers (manufacturers') 52 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Advertising agents and managers 28 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Commercial travellers, canvassers 181 Show data context 3 Show data context
1.. Owners, etc. of retail businesses 501 Show data context 149 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Grocery, provisions 71 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Greengrocery 46 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Meat 42 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Fish, poultry 11 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Other food goods 18 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Chemists' wares, photographic goods 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: Confectionary, tobacco, newspapers 57 Show data context 31 Show data context
    Owners, etc. of retail businesses: General and mixed businesses 25 Show data context 10 Show data context
1.. Salesmen, shop assistants:- 301 Show data context 760 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Grocery, provisions 57 Show data context 172 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Greengrocery 13 Show data context 30 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Meat 59 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Fish, poultry 15 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Other food goods 15 Show data context 51 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Chemists' wares, photographic goods 4 Show data context 51 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: Confectionary, tobacco, newspapers 9 Show data context 76 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: In variety chain stores 0 Show data context 52 Show data context
    Salesmen, shop assistants: In other general and mixed businesses 5 Show data context 46 Show data context
    Roundsmen, van salesmen 108 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Coal carmen, coal hawkers 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Costermongers and other hawkers 23 Show data context 3 Show data context
2. Persons employed in finance and insurance 190 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Bankers, bank managers, inspectors 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Insurance managers, underwriters 33 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Insurance agents and canvassers 75 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Auctioneers, estate agents, valuers 44 Show data context 2 Show data context
XIX. PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL (EXC. CLERICAL) 1,422 Show data context 900 Show data context
    Religious professions 24 Show data context 38 Show data context
    Clergymen (Church of England) 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Legal professions 22 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Medical professions 69 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Physicians, surgeons, etc. 56 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Dental practitioners 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Veterinary surgeons and practitioners 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Nurses and midwives 60 Show data context 455 Show data context
    Trained nurses, midwives 26 Show data context 249 Show data context
    Assistant nurses 5 Show data context 19 Show data context
    Student nurses 29 Show data context 158 Show data context
    Nursery nurses 0 Show data context 29 Show data context
    Medical auxiliary professions 48 Show data context 49 Show data context
    Pharmacists 14 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Physiotherapists, masseurs 5 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Teaching professions 168 Show data context 228 Show data context
    Teachers of music 3 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Engineering, etc. professions 616 Show data context 28 Show data context
    Civil, structural engineers 44 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Mechanical engineers 82 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Electrical engineers 86 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Surveyors 78 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Architects, town planners 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Industrial designers, draughtsmen 294 Show data context 28 Show data context
    Scientific professions 227 Show data context 43 Show data context
    Chemists, metallugists 42 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Laboratory assistants, technicians 110 Show data context 31 Show data context
    Qualified accountants 56 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Authors, journalists, publicists 38 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Librarians (not booksellers) 6 Show data context 14 Show data context
    Social welfare workers 13 Show data context 21 Show data context
    Painters, sculptors, engravers 31 Show data context 7 Show data context
XX. PERSONS EMPLOYED IN DEFENCE SERVICES 1,789 Show data context 146 Show data context
1. Armed forces 1,582 Show data context 143 Show data context
2. Civilian defence services 207 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Police superintendants, etc. 41 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Police, other ranks 73 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Fire brigade officers and men 45 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Watchmen 50 Show data context 1 Show data context
XXI. PERSONS ENGAGED IN ENTERTAINMENTS AND SPORT 170 Show data context 46 Show data context
    Actors, variety artistes, entertainers 5 Show data context 16 Show data context
    Musicians 22 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Cinematograph operators 31 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Bookmakers 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
XXII. PERSONS ENGAGED IN PERSONAL SERVICE 656 Show data context 1,946 Show data context
    Proprietors and managers of restaurants 59 Show data context 55 Show data context
    Lodging and boarding house keepers 3 Show data context 16 Show data context
    Proprietors and managers of hotels 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Publicans, beersellers, innkeepers 59 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Barmen, barmaids 11 Show data context 26 Show data context
    Waiters, waitresses, still room hands 33 Show data context 94 Show data context
    Restaurant counter hands 2 Show data context 47 Show data context
    Hall and hotel porters; doorkeepers 18 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stewards and matrons in institutions 1 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Hospital or ward orderlies, attendants 61 Show data context 83 Show data context
    Barbers, hairdressers, manicurists 50 Show data context 64 Show data context
    Photographers (not printing trades) 81 Show data context 19 Show data context
    Caretakers, office keepers 40 Show data context 13 Show data context
    Charwomen, office cleaners 32 Show data context 271 Show data context
    Laundry workers, dry cleaners 39 Show data context 141 Show data context
    Window cleaners 39 Show data context 3 Show data context
1. Domestic servants (indoor):- 69 Show data context 983 Show data context
    Cooks 48 Show data context 160 Show data context
    Kitchen hands 12 Show data context 269 Show data context
    Chambermaids, house, etc., maids 0 Show data context 35 Show data context
XXIII. CLERKS, TYPISTS, ETC. 1,527 Show data context 2,257 Show data context
    Clerks (n.e.s.) 1,047 Show data context 888 Show data context
    Shorthand typists, secretaries 29 Show data context 668 Show data context
    Typists 0 Show data context 223 Show data context
    Other office machine operators 5 Show data context 144 Show data context
    Costing and accounting clerks 446 Show data context 334 Show data context
XXIV. WAREHOUSEMEN, STOREKEEPERS, PACKERS, ETC. 519 Show data context 208 Show data context
    Warehousemen 113 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Storekeepers 249 Show data context 16 Show data context
    Warehouse and storekeepers' assistants 57 Show data context 27 Show data context
XXV. STATIONARY ENGINE DRIVERS, STOKERS, ETC. 293 Show data context 1 Show data context
1. Stationary engine drivers:- 57 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Underground in mines 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Crane drivers 38 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Drivers of civil engineering plant 39 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Slingers and riggers 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Boiler firemen and stokers 135 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Oilers and greasers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
XXVI. WORKERS IN UNSKILLED OCCUPATIONS (N.E.S.) 1,478 Show data context 595 Show data context
    Assemblers (n.e.s.) 63 Show data context 156 Show data context
1. Machine minders:- 155 Show data context 136 Show data context
    Engineering and allied trades 142 Show data context 105 Show data context
    Labourers, other unskilled workers 1,260 Show data context 303 Show data context
XXVII. OTHER AND UNDEFINED WORKERS 206 Show data context 80 Show data context
1. Workers in distribution of gas, water, etc. 50 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Other workers 156 Show data context 80 Show data context
XXVIII. RETIRED AND NOT GAINFULLY OCCUPIED 1,771 Show data context 13,795 Show data context
    Students in educational institutions 341 Show data context 356 Show data context
    Retired from gainful occupation 1,004 Show data context 240 Show data context
    No gainful occupation stated 403 Show data context 13,196 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.