1931 Census of England and Wales, Industry Tables, Table 2 : " Industries of Males and Females (exclusive of persons out of work)".

Show Essex AdmC table Dagenham MB/UD  
Industry Males.
Total Population--All Ages 44,870 Show data context 44,492 Show data context
Aged 14 years and over: Total Population 26,062 Show data context 26,259 Show data context
Aged 14 years and over: Unoccupied and Retired 978 Show data context 20,066 Show data context
Aged 14 years and over: Out of Work (excluded from Industry classification) 1,874 Show data context 583 Show data context
Aged 14 years and over: Total in Industries (excluding persons out of work) 23,210 Show data context 5,610 Show data context
I. FISHING 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Sea Fishing and Oyster Beds 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Fishing in Rivers and Inland Waters, including Pisciculture 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
II. AGRICULTURE 273 Show data context 53 Show data context
Farming (not Fruit or Poultry) and Stockrearing 153 Show data context 42 Show data context
Poultry Farming 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
Market Gardening and Fruit Farming 75 Show data context 11 Show data context
Flower and Seed Growing and Nursery Gardening 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other and Undefined Gardening 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
Forestry: Government 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Forestry: Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Agricultural Industries 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
1. Mining and Quarrying 62 Show data context 0 Show data context
Coal Mines (including all Minerals obtained from Coal Mines) 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Coal, Iron and Steel Companies (Branch of Industry not known) 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Iron Ore Mines and Quarries 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Lead Mines 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tin and Copper Mines 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Stone Quarries and Mines (not owned by Local Authorities) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Slate Quarries and Mines 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Clay, Sand, Gravel, &c Pits (not owned by Local Authorities) 50 Show data context 0 Show data context
Oil Shale Mines, Oil Wells 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Salt Mines, Brine Wells, and Salt Works 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Mines and Quarries 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Treatment of Non-Metalliferous Mine and Quarry Products (excluding Gas Works) 150 Show data context 4 Show data context
Coke Ovens and By-Product Works 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Patent Fuel 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cement 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
Artificial Stone and Concrete 108 Show data context 0 Show data context
Lime Kilns and Whiting Works 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ganister (including Ganister Bricks) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Abrasives and Abrasive Materials 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other 25 Show data context 4 Show data context
IV. MANUFACTURE OF BRICKS, POTTERY, GLASS, ETC 73 Show data context 6 Show data context
Bricks & Tiles (not Glazed Tiles); Fire Bricks and Fire Clay Goods 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Earthenware, China, Porcelain, Terra Cotta, Glazed Tiles 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Glass (other than Bottles) 42 Show data context 4 Show data context
Glass Bottles 21 Show data context 2 Show data context
Miscellaneous Products of Clay and Sand (not elsewhere enumerated) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
V. MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS, DYES, EXPLOSIVES, PAINTS, OILS, GREASE 420 Show data context 81 Show data context
1. Chemicals 185 Show data context 44 Show data context
Alkalis and Heavy Acids 28 Show data context 1 Show data context
Tar and Wood Distillation 4 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dyes 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Drugs and Fine Chemicals 70 Show data context 31 Show data context
Fertilizers, Sheep Dips, and Disinfectants 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other 65 Show data context 10 Show data context
2. Explosives 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Explosives: Government 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Explosives: Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cartridges, Ammunition, Fuses, Rockets, &c: Government 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cartridges, Ammunition, Fuses, Rockets, &c: Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. White Lead, Paints and Varnish 84 Show data context 12 Show data context
White Lead and other Lead Compounds 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
Paints, Colours, and Varnish 73 Show data context 12 Show data context
4. Oils, Greases, Glue, &c 103 Show data context 13 Show data context
Vegetable Oils, Crushing, Refining; Oil Cake Making 17 Show data context 1 Show data context
Animal Fat Extracting and Refining 12 Show data context 1 Show data context
Glue, Size, Gelatine, Dextrine, and Gums 17 Show data context 2 Show data context
Soap, Candles, Glycerine 38 Show data context 8 Show data context
Mineral Oil Extracting and Refining 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Oil Extracting and Refining 11 Show data context 1 Show data context
5. Miscellaneous 43 Show data context 12 Show data context
Blue and Polishes 2 Show data context 3 Show data context
Ink 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
Matches 24 Show data context 9 Show data context
Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
1. Smelting, Converting, Refining, and Rolling of Iron and Steel 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Pig Iron Manufacture (Blast Furnaces) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Puddling Furnaces, Steel Works, & Iron & Steel Rolling Mills 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Iron Works (precise branch not stated) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Slag and Slag Wool 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Extracting and Refining of Other Metals and Alloys 32 Show data context 1 Show data context
Copper 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Lead 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Zinc 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Metals and Alloys 24 Show data context 1 Show data context
3. Founding and Other Secondary Processes in Metal Working 240 Show data context 115 Show data context
General Iron & Steel Foundries 46 Show data context 3 Show data context
Brass and Other Copper Alloy Foundries and Cast Metal Finishing 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Metal Foundries 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Pattern Making 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Forged Chains and Anchors 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Forging 9 Show data context 1 Show data context
Tinplate 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Galvanised Sheet 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tubes, Iron or Steel (Wrought) 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
Rolling Mills and Tube and Pipe Making--Non-Ferrous Metals 10 Show data context 3 Show data context
Wire, Wire Netting, Wire Rope 133 Show data context 107 Show data context
Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Engineering (not Marine or Electrical) 462 Show data context 63 Show data context
Stationary Engines and Power Transmission Plant 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Steam Locomotives, Road & Rail, & Rly. Plant: Rly. Coy. 53 Show data context 1 Show data context
Steam Locomotives, Road & Rail, & Rly. Plant: Other 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Agricultural Engineering 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
Textile Machinery 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Textile Machinery Accessories (not made by Tex. Mach. Mkrs.) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Heating and Ventilating Engineering 37 Show data context 1 Show data context
Machine Tools (Metal Working) 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ball and Roller Bearings 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cranes, Hoists, Conveyors, and Lifting Machinery 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
Mining Machinery 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Printing and Bookbinding Machinery 17 Show data context 1 Show data context
Typewriters, Calculating and Tabulating Machinery 26 Show data context 4 Show data context
Other Engineering: Government 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Engineering: Other 287 Show data context 55 Show data context
5. Electrical Installations, Cables and Apparatus 655 Show data context 364 Show data context
Generators, Motors, Transformers, Switchgear 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Insulated Cables, Wire, and Flex 177 Show data context 34 Show data context
Incandescent Lamps and Valves 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Accumulators and Batteries 144 Show data context 70 Show data context
Telegraph and Telephone Apparatus 34 Show data context 24 Show data context
Wireless Apparatus (other than Valves) 124 Show data context 221 Show data context
Other Electrical Manufactures 52 Show data context 11 Show data context
Wiring and Contracting 115 Show data context 4 Show data context
6. Construction and Repair of Vehicles 273 Show data context 5 Show data context
Tram Cars and Rolling Stock: Railway Company 43 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tram Cars and Rolling Stock: Local Authority 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tram Cars and Rolling Stock: Tramway Company 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tram Cars and Rolling Stock: Other 16 Show data context 0 Show data context
Self-Propelled Road Vehicles (not Steam) and Cycles: Railway Company 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Self-Propelled Road Vehicles (not Steam) and Cycles: Omnibus Company 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Self-Propelled Road Vehicles (not Steam) and Cycles: Other 97 Show data context 3 Show data context
Carriages, Coach and Motor Car Bodies 43 Show data context 0 Show data context
Carts and Vans; Motor Lorry Bodies and Wheelwrights' Work 34 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cycle and Motor Accessories 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Aeroplanes, Airships and Balloons: Government 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Aeroplanes, Airships and Balloons: Other 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Vehicles 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
7. Ship Building and Repairing; Marine Engineering 101 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ship Building and Repairing; Marine Engineering: Government 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ship Building and Repairing; Marine Engineering: Railway Company 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ship Building and Repairing; Marine Engineering: Steamship Company 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Ship Building and Repairing; Marine Engineering: Other 100 Show data context 0 Show data context
8. Cutlery and Small Tools (not Machine Tools) 18 Show data context 5 Show data context
Cutlery 2 Show data context 4 Show data context
Files 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Saws 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Tools 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
Pins 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Needles and Fish Hooks 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
9. Other Metal Industries (not Precious Metals, Jewellery, or Plate) 480 Show data context 66 Show data context
Axles, Axle Boxes, Springs and other Coach Ironwork 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Bedsteads (not wood) and Wire Mattresses 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Boilers and Tanks 55 Show data context 0 Show data context
Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
Brass and Yellow Metal Light Goods: Builders' and Cabinet Makers' Goods 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Brass and Yellow Metal Light Goods: Lamps (not Cycle or Motor) and Lighting Fittings 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
Brass and Yellow Metal Light Goods: Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Constructional Engineering; Bridge and Girder Works 154 Show data context 1 Show data context
Dies, Seals, Coins, Medals: Government 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dies, Seals, Coins, Medals: Other 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
Electro-Plating and Deposition 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
Galvanising, Tinning, Grinding, Polishing 6 Show data context 20 Show data context
Gas and Water Meters 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
Harness Furniture and Cart Gear 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Hollow-ware of Iron or Steel (Cast or Wrought) 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Japanning and Enamelling 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Locks, Keys, Latches 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Nails and Tacks 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Plate Link Chains 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Safes 9 Show data context 15 Show data context
Scales and Weighing Machines 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tin Boxes, Canisters, and Containers 12 Show data context 4 Show data context
Other Sheet Metal Wkg., Press Wkg., Stampg., & Piercing 32 Show data context 6 Show data context
Small Arms: Government 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Small Arms: Other 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Stoves, Baths, and Light Castings 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
Typefounding 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Metal Scrap Breaking, Cutting, and Sorting 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other 116 Show data context 16 Show data context
10. Precious Metals, Jewellery, Plate 34 Show data context 10 Show data context
Jewellery (including Imitation Jewellery) 3 Show data context 4 Show data context
Watches and Clocks (including Materials and Parts) 10 Show data context 3 Show data context
Gold, Silver & Electro Plate; Nkl. Silver & Britannia Mtl. Ware 15 Show data context 1 Show data context
Other (including Precious Stone Cutting) 6 Show data context 2 Show data context
1.Cotton 5 Show data context 5 Show data context
Carding, Spinning, and Doubling Mills 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Thread Mills 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Weaving 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
Velvet and Fustian Cutting 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other or Undefined Cotton Manufactures 4 Show data context 4 Show data context
2. Wool, Worsted, and Shoddy 4 Show data context 5 Show data context
Wool Sorting, Blending, Willeying 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Wool Combing and Top Making 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Worsted Spinning (including Camel Hair, Mohair, & Alpaca) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Worsted Weaving (including Camel Hair, Mohair, & Alpaca) 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
Mungo Making; Rag Grinding and Carbonising 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Woollen Manufacture (Spinning and Subsequent Processes) 3 Show data context 3 Show data context
Felt (not Woven) 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
3. Silk, Natural and Artificial 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
Artificial Silk Spinning 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Silk Trowing, Silk Sping., Silk (incldg. Artificial Silk) Wvg. 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
4. Flax, Hemp, Jute 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Flax and Hemp 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Jute 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Flax, Hemp, Jute (not separately specified) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
5. Other or Mixed Fibres 16 Show data context 14 Show data context
Asbestos 9 Show data context 14 Show data context
Hair Curling, Spinning, and Weaving; Hair Felt 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Preparing, Spinning, and Weaving or Other or Mixed Fibres 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
6. Miscellaneous Products 69 Show data context 78 Show data context
Hosiery and Other Knitted Goods 6 Show data context 9 Show data context
Lace 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
Carpets and Rugs 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
Rope, Cord, Twine 10 Show data context 12 Show data context
Tapes, Smallwares, Elastic Web 7 Show data context 12 Show data context
Canvas Goods (Tents, Tarpaulins, &c.) 24 Show data context 15 Show data context
Hemming and Embroidering 6 Show data context 16 Show data context
Making of Other Textile Goods (not Articles of Dress) 8 Show data context 11 Show data context
7. Textile Dyeing, Printing, Bleaching, Calendering, Finishing 10 Show data context 4 Show data context
Bleaching 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Printing 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
Dyeing 1 Show data context 3 Show data context
Finishing 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Making-up and Export Packing 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
1. Furs, Skins, Leather 74 Show data context 21 Show data context
Furriers and Fur Dressing 40 Show data context 21 Show data context
Fellmongery 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tanning, Currying, and Leather Dressing 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Saddlery, Harness, Bags, Trunks, and other Goods of Leather and Leather Substitute (not Clothing or Footwear) 56 Show data context 49 Show data context
Saddlery, Harness, and Whips 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Machine Belting: Leather 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Machine Belting: Other 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Bags, Trunks, and other Goods of Leather and Leather Substitute (not Clothing or Footwear) 47 Show data context 49 Show data context
IX. MANUFACTURE OF CLOTHING (NOT KNITTED) 449 Show data context 862 Show data context
Tailoring (incldg. Waterproof & Leather Clothing): Govt. 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
Tailoring (incldg. Waterproof & Leather Clothing): Other 186 Show data context 223 Show data context
Dresses, Blouses, Overalls 28 Show data context 355 Show data context
Shirts, Collars, Underclothing 25 Show data context 106 Show data context
Stays and Corsets 3 Show data context 6 Show data context
Handkerchiefs, Scarves, Ties 13 Show data context 42 Show data context
Millinery 12 Show data context 63 Show data context
Hats and Caps: Straw (including Straw Plait) 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Hats and Caps: Cloth 3 Show data context 4 Show data context
Hats and Caps: Felt 2 Show data context 3 Show data context
Hats and Caps: Other 16 Show data context 13 Show data context
Gloves (not Knitted or Other) 5 Show data context 4 Show data context
Boots, Shoes, Slippers (not Rubber) 132 Show data context 22 Show data context
Clogs 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Umbrellas and Walking Sticks 10 Show data context 4 Show data context
Clothes Renovating and Repairing 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
Other 2 Show data context 15 Show data context
X. MANUFACTURE OF FOOD, DRINK, TOBACCO 776 Show data context 291 Show data context
1. Food 481 Show data context 183 Show data context
Grain Milling 35 Show data context 3 Show data context
Cereal Foods and Starches (including Industrial Starch) 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
Cattle and Poultry Foods (not Oil Cake) 46 Show data context 6 Show data context
Bread and Flour Confectionery 177 Show data context 20 Show data context
Biscuits 45 Show data context 17 Show data context
Sugar Making & Refining (including Glucose & Invert Sugar) 37 Show data context 8 Show data context
Sugar Confectionery (Sweets) 23 Show data context 68 Show data context
Jam Making and Fruit Preserving 19 Show data context 8 Show data context
Cocoa and Chocolate 3 Show data context 3 Show data context
Bacon, Hams, Lard, and Sausages 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
Fish Curing 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Meat and Fish Preserving and Meat Extracts 14 Show data context 16 Show data context
Butter, Cheese, Condensed and Dried Milk 8 Show data context 7 Show data context
Margarine 15 Show data context 9 Show data context
Vinegar 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Pickles, Spices, and Other Condiments 9 Show data context 7 Show data context
Other (including Tripe Dressing) 37 Show data context 8 Show data context
2. Drink 221 Show data context 20 Show data context
Maltings 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Beer Breweries 159 Show data context 16 Show data context
Distilling, Rectifying, and Compounding of Potable Spirits 39 Show data context 1 Show data context
Cider and Perry 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Mineral and Aerated Waters 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
Bottling of Beer, Wines, Spirits, &c. 5 Show data context 2 Show data context
Other 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff 74 Show data context 88 Show data context
Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff 74 Show data context 88 Show data context
1. Wood Working and Basket Ware 218 Show data context 9 Show data context
Saw Mills and Joinery Works 119 Show data context 1 Show data context
General and Jobbing Carpentry 16 Show data context 2 Show data context
Cooperages 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Wooden Boxes and Packing Cases 34 Show data context 4 Show data context
Wood Turning and Wooden Ware (not Bobbins) 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Basket Ware 8 Show data context 2 Show data context
Other 26 Show data context 0 Show data context
2. Furniture (not Metal or Basket); Fittings 432 Show data context 34 Show data context
Cabinet and Furniture Making and Upholstering 325 Show data context 22 Show data context
Bedding and Mattresses (not wire) 16 Show data context 6 Show data context
House & Shop Ftgs. (not elsewhere enumerated); Shop Fitting 78 Show data context 5 Show data context
Wood Carving, Carving and Gilding; Picture Frames 12 Show data context 1 Show data context
Other 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
1. Paper Making 68 Show data context 13 Show data context
Paper and Board Making, Coating, Enamelling 68 Show data context 13 Show data context
2. Paper Goods, Stationery, and Stationery Requisites 134 Show data context 158 Show data context
Wall Papers 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cardboard Boxes 28 Show data context 41 Show data context
Paper Bags, Envelopes, Stationery 45 Show data context 75 Show data context
Compressed Paper, Paper Vulcanite, and Articles thereof 7 Show data context 3 Show data context
Pencils, Penholders, Fountain and Stylographic Pens 7 Show data context 12 Show data context
Other Stationery and Typewriting Requisites 23 Show data context 12 Show data context
Other 12 Show data context 15 Show data context
3. Printing, Bookbinding, and Photography 1,092 Show data context 195 Show data context
Production of Newspapers and Periodicals 386 Show data context 17 Show data context
Production of Printed Books and Music 26 Show data context 5 Show data context
Production of Account Books (including Machine Ruling) 15 Show data context 3 Show data context
Government Printing and Bookbinding 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Job and General Work: Letterpress Printing 538 Show data context 120 Show data context
Job and General Work: Lithography and Photo-lithography 43 Show data context 19 Show data context
Job and General Work: Process Engraving, Stereotyping and Electrotyping 30 Show data context 2 Show data context
Job and General Work: Bookbinding 27 Show data context 9 Show data context
Photography 12 Show data context 7 Show data context
Other (excluding Machine Ruling) 11 Show data context 13 Show data context
Stone Cutting, Dressing, Turning 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
Slate Cutting, Dressing, Turning 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Building and Contracting; Plumbing and Decorating 2,855 Show data context 16 Show data context
Mine and Well Sinking 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
XIV. OTHER MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES 499 Show data context 280 Show data context
1. Rubber 77 Show data context 52 Show data context
Rubber Boots and Shoes 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Tyres and Other Rubber Goods (not Clothing or Belting) 77 Show data context 52 Show data context
2. Musical Instruments 214 Show data context 108 Show data context
Gramophones, Phonographs, &c. (including Records) 169 Show data context 106 Show data context
Pianos and Organs (including Actions) 39 Show data context 2 Show data context
Other Musical Instruments 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Other Manufacturing Industries 208 Show data context 120 Show data context
Linoleum, Leather Cloth, Oil Cloth, and Table Baize 9 Show data context 2 Show data context
Bone, Horn, Ivory, Tortoiseshell 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
Celluloid and Similar Compositions 10 Show data context 2 Show data context
Buttons 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
Ornamental Feather Dressing, Cleaning, and Dyeing 1 Show data context 2 Show data context
Brooms and Brushes 25 Show data context 9 Show data context
Photographic Plates, Films, and Papers 7 Show data context 9 Show data context
Photographic & Cinematographic Instruments and Apparatus 2 Show data context 2 Show data context
Other Scientific and Surgical Instruments, &c. (not Electrical) 63 Show data context 21 Show data context
Toys, Games, and Sports Requisites 26 Show data context 16 Show data context
Tobacco Pipes (not Clay) 6 Show data context 2 Show data context
Jewel Cases, and Fancy Boxes, &c. 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Artificial Flowers 3 Show data context 9 Show data context
Other Defined Manufacturing Industries 38 Show data context 37 Show data context
Minor Multiple or Ill-defined Manufacturing Industries 11 Show data context 7 Show data context
XV. GAS, WATER, ELECTRICITY 518 Show data context 1 Show data context
Gas Works Service: Local Authority 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Gas Works Service: Companies 342 Show data context 1 Show data context
Water and Hydraulic Power Service: Local Authority 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
Water and Hydraulic Power Service: Companies 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
Electricity Supply Service: Local Authority 45 Show data context 0 Show data context
Electricity Supply Service: Railway Company 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
Electricity Supply Service: Accumulator charging 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Electricity Supply Service: Companies 95 Show data context 0 Show data context
XVI. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 4,444 Show data context 45 Show data context
1. Railways 1,472 Show data context 12 Show data context
Railways 1,472 Show data context 12 Show data context
2. Roads 1,566 Show data context 8 Show data context
Motor Garages, Livery Stables and Hiring Establishments 121 Show data context 0 Show data context
Cartage and Haulage Contracting 434 Show data context 6 Show data context
Motor Coach Service 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
Omnibus Service: Local Authority 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Omnibus Service: Other 804 Show data context 1 Show data context
Tramway Service: Local Authority 180 Show data context 1 Show data context
Tramway Service: Other 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Road Transport 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
3. Water 479 Show data context 12 Show data context
Shipping Service: Railway Company 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Shipping Service: Other 315 Show data context 11 Show data context
Tug, Barge, Lighter, Boat--Service 164 Show data context 1 Show data context
Salvage 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
4. Docks, Lighthouses, Canals, &c. 752 Show data context 3 Show data context
Harbours, Docks, Piers, Landing Stages, Lighthouses: Government 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
Harbours, Docks, Piers, Landing Stages, Lighthouses: Local Authority 326 Show data context 0 Show data context
Harbours, Docks, Piers, Landing Stages, Lighthouses: Railway Company 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Harbours, Docks, Piers, Landing Stages, Lighthouses: Private 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
Canal Authorities and Conservancy Boards (not Manchester Ship Canal): Local Authority 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Canal Authorities and Conservancy Boards (not Manchester Ship Canal): Railway Company 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Canal Authorities and Conservancy Boards (not Manchester Ship Canal): Private 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Loading and Discharging of Vessels 413 Show data context 2 Show data context
5. Air 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Aerodromes and Aviation Service 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
6. Storage 62 Show data context 7 Show data context
Cold Storage 32 Show data context 3 Show data context
Other Warehouses 30 Show data context 4 Show data context
7. Other Transport and Communication 113 Show data context 3 Show data context
Messenger Service and Porterage 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
Telegraphs and Telephones (not Government) 94 Show data context 3 Show data context
XVII. COMMERCE AND FINANCE 4,011 Show data context 1,072 Show data context
Dealing in Horses 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Cattle and Other Livestock 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Grain and Forage 59 Show data context 11 Show data context
Dealing in Coal 140 Show data context 10 Show data context
Dealing in Sugar Confectionery: Wholesale 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Sugar Confectionery: Retail 27 Show data context 76 Show data context
Dealing in Tea and Coffee 69 Show data context 40 Show data context
Dealing in Grocery and Provisions: Wholesale 92 Show data context 19 Show data context
Dealing in Grocery and Provisions: Retail 270 Show data context 85 Show data context
Dealing in Milk and Dairy Products: Wholesale 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Milk and Dairy Products: Retail 149 Show data context 27 Show data context
Dealing in Meat: Wholesale 61 Show data context 1 Show data context
Dealing in Meat: Retail 225 Show data context 25 Show data context
Dealing in Fish and Poultry: Wholesale 63 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Fish and Poultry: Retail 76 Show data context 13 Show data context
Dealing in Vegetables and Fruit: Wholesale 73 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Vegetables and Fruit: Retail 105 Show data context 27 Show data context
Dealing in Wines and Spirits: Wholesale 36 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Wines and Spirits: Retail 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Tobacco: Wholesale 8 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Tobacco: Retail 26 Show data context 23 Show data context
Dealing in Building Materials 80 Show data context 4 Show data context
Dealing in Domestic Ware of Glass and Pottery 4 Show data context 5 Show data context
Dealing in Drugs and Druggists' Sundries: Wholesale 33 Show data context 15 Show data context
Dealing in Drugs and Druggists' Sundries: Retail 45 Show data context 26 Show data context
Dealing in Drysaltery, Oils, and Colours: Wholesale 37 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Drysaltery, Oils, and Colours: Retail 32 Show data context 13 Show data context
Dealing in Metals, Metal Goods, and Tools: Wholesale 67 Show data context 5 Show data context
Dealing in Metals, Metal Goods, and Tools: Retail 19 Show data context 14 Show data context
Dealing in Cycles, Motors, and Other Vehicles 42 Show data context 2 Show data context
Dealing in Motor Spirit and Lubricants 98 Show data context 4 Show data context
Dealing in Precious Metals, Jewellery, Watches, and Clocks 21 Show data context 11 Show data context
Dealing in Textiles and Clothing (Wholesale) 171 Show data context 39 Show data context
Dealing in Drapery, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Hats, and Millinery (Retail) 143 Show data context 173 Show data context
Dealing in Boots and Shoes: Wholesale 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
Dealing in Boots and Shoes: Retail 37 Show data context 10 Show data context
Dealing in Skins and Leather 26 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Saddlery and Leather Goods 0 Show data context 3 Show data context
Dealing in Timber 87 Show data context 7 Show data context
Dealing in Furniture 84 Show data context 11 Show data context
Dealing in Paper and Stationery (Wholesale) 48 Show data context 10 Show data context
Publishing and Wholesale Bookselling 106 Show data context 12 Show data context
Dealing in Books, Newspapers, Stationery (Retail) 95 Show data context 28 Show data context
Dealing in Scrap Metal: Wholesale 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Scrap Metal: Retail 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dealing in Other Waste Materials 29 Show data context 3 Show data context
Dealing in Second Hand Goods (not Furniture or Books) 5 Show data context 3 Show data context
General and Export Trading and Non-Textile Packing 155 Show data context 33 Show data context
Departmental Stores, General Shops, and like Mixed Businesses 265 Show data context 92 Show data context
Hawking and Street Selling 94 Show data context 6 Show data context
Other and Undefined Dealing 130 Show data context 88 Show data context
Auctioneering and Valuing; House and Estate Agencies 34 Show data context 0 Show data context
Advertising and Bill Posting Agencies 39 Show data context 5 Show data context
Typewriting and Translation Offices 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
Employment Agencies 1 Show data context 3 Show data context
Banking and Bill Discounting Houses 125 Show data context 15 Show data context
Insurance 196 Show data context 40 Show data context
Money Lending and Pawnbroking 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
Building Societies 0 Show data context 2 Show data context
Land and Estate Companies 37 Show data context 3 Show data context
Stock Broking and Jobbing 54 Show data context 8 Show data context
Other Finance 12 Show data context 6 Show data context
Other Commerce 18 Show data context 4 Show data context
XVIII. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE 3,112 Show data context 466 Show data context
1. Defence 165 Show data context 5 Show data context
Defence 165 Show data context 5 Show data context
2. Central Civil Government (British and Imperial) 1,075 Show data context 89 Show data context
Post Office 747 Show data context 72 Show data context
Education 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Government Departments 324 Show data context 17 Show data context
3. Local Government 1,872 Show data context 372 Show data context
Police 103 Show data context 3 Show data context
Education 116 Show data context 174 Show data context
Other Local Government: Employed at Institutions 112 Show data context 146 Show data context
Other Local Government: Other 1,541 Show data context 49 Show data context
XIX. PROFESSIONS 265 Show data context 161 Show data context
Religion 35 Show data context 20 Show data context
Law 48 Show data context 17 Show data context
Medicine & Care of Sick & Infirm (not Govt. or Local Authority) 46 Show data context 51 Show data context
Dentistry 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
Veterinary Surgery 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
Education (not Government or Local Authority) 14 Show data context 35 Show data context
Consultant Engineering and Surveying 13 Show data context 3 Show data context
Consultant Practice in Chemistry and Other Science 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Accountancy and Actuarial Practice 29 Show data context 8 Show data context
Literature and Music Composition 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Painting. Engraving, Sculpture, &c. 8 Show data context 2 Show data context
Architecture 6 Show data context 3 Show data context
Industrial and Trade Associations 24 Show data context 6 Show data context
Political Associations 6 Show data context 2 Show data context
Social Welfare Societies 11 Show data context 10 Show data context
Other Professional Services 7 Show data context 3 Show data context
XX. ENTERTAINMENTS AND SPORT 108 Show data context 35 Show data context
Theatres, Music Halls, Picture Palaces, Concert Halls, &c. 52 Show data context 25 Show data context
Music 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
Film Producing and Film Studios 8 Show data context 5 Show data context
Race Courses and Training Stables (Horse Racing) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Dog Racing 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Golf 6 Show data context 1 Show data context
Other Entertainments and Sport 33 Show data context 3 Show data context
Private Domestic Service (Indoor and Outdoor) 34 Show data context 543 Show data context
Lodging and Boarding Houses 4 Show data context 15 Show data context
Restaurants, Catering, Eating and Coffee Houses: Railway Company 14 Show data context 3 Show data context
Restaurants, Catering, Eating and Coffee Houses: At Departmental Stores and Similar Retail Establishments 3 Show data context 5 Show data context
Restaurants, Catering, Eating and Coffee Houses: Other 145 Show data context 223 Show data context
Hotel, Inns, Public Houses: State Management District 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Hotel, Inns, Public Houses: Railway Company 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
Hotel, Inns, Public Houses: Other 145 Show data context 69 Show data context
Clubs 26 Show data context 5 Show data context
Laundries, Job Dyeing, and Dry Cleaning 64 Show data context 116 Show data context
Baths 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Hair-Dressing, Manicure and Chiropody 75 Show data context 22 Show data context
Carpet Beating and Vacuum Cleaning 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Undertaking 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
Charitable Service 4 Show data context 4 Show data context
Other Service 125 Show data context 11 Show data context
XXII. OTHER INDUSTRIES OR INDUSTRY NOT STATED 24 Show data context 4 Show data context
Service of Foreign Governments 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
Other Industries 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
INDUSTRY NOT STATED 18 Show data context 2 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.


The following notes to the table appeared in the original report.

1 The areal classification is by each person's area of enumeration and not necessarily, therefore, by area of business.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.