Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for BLACKROCK

BLACKROCK, a village, in the parish of MONKSTOWN, half-barony of RATHDOWN, county of DUBLIN, and province of LEINSTER, 4 miles (S. E.) from Dublin Castle; containing 2050 inhabitants. This place, which is situated on the southern shore of Dublin bay, consists of one principal street extending along the road from Dublin to the head of the village, and continued along the two roads which meet there from Kingstown, also of several minor streets and avenues, containing altogether 308 houses irregularly built, of which some are in pleasant and retired situations. The village itself possesses few pleasing features, but the country around it is beautifully diversified, and the immediate vicinity is embellished with numerous detached villas surrounded with pleasure grounds disposed with much taste.

Maritimo, the marine villa of Lord Cloncurry, and Blackrock House, the residence of the Rev. Sir Harcourt Lees, Bart., are beautifully situated; the Dublin and Kingstown railway passes through the grounds of both these seats. Carysfort House, the villa of the Right Hon. W. Saurin, commands a fine view of the sea and of the mountains in the neighbourhood; Newtown House, belonging to W. Hodgens, Esq., is finely situated, and from the rear is a noble view of the bay of Dublin. The other principal seats are Montpelier House, that of J. Duckett, Esq.; Mount Temple, of E. Brewster, Esq.; Frescati Lodge, of H. Cole, Esq.; Field Villa, of H. C. Field, Esq.; and Laurel Hill, of the Rev. Hugh White. Frescati, formerly the seat of the Fitzgerald family, a spacious mansion erected by the mother of Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, called "Silken Thomas," is now divided into four separate dwellings, and occupied by respectable families.

The facilities for sea-bathing render this a place of great resort during the summer months; several respectable boarding-houses have been opened for the accommodation of visiters; and an excellent hotel, called Seapoint House, has been built and fitted up for the reception of families. Baths have been constructed by the Dublin and Kingstown Railway Company, on the side of the railway embankment, which passes along the sea-shore close to the village, and to these access is obtained by a handsome foot bridge from the high ground. An elegant bridge has been built over the railway, which passes close under Seapoint House, affording the inmates a facility of access to a boat pier on the opposite side. In the centre of the village is a large block of granite, on which are the remains of an ancient cross; to this spot, which is the southern extremity of the city of Dublin, the lord mayor, with the civic authorities, proceeds when perambulating the boundaries of his jurisdiction.

The twopenny post has three deliveries daily from the metropolis; and in addition to the constant railway communication with the city, numerous cars are stationed here, plying in all directions. There is an Episcopal chapel in Carysfort avenue; it was formerly a dissenting place of worship, but was purchased a few years since, and endowed with £1000 from a fund bequeathed by Lord Powerscourt; the chaplain is appointed by the trustees. In the R. C. divisions this place forms part of the union of Booterstown; the chapel, situated in the village, was built in 1822, by subscription, at an expense of £750. A nunnery of Carmelite sisters was established in 1822, consisting of a superior, 20 professed nuns, and three lay sisters; the ladies of this convent support a school for the gratuitous instruction of 120 girls, who are also clothed annually at Christmas. A school for boys was built in 1822, by subscription, and is supported by collections at charity sermons; and a girls' school was erected in 1827, chiefly at the expense of the Rev. J. McCormick, R. C. clergyman, by whom it is partly supported. A savings' bank has been established.—See MONKSTOWN.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a village"   (ADL Feature Type: "populated places")
Administrative units: Dublin IrlC
Place: Blackrock

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